Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Top Ten Tuesday: Bookish Resolutions

We are still in the process of creating resolutions here with Top Ten Tuesday, and this year is an overall book habit resolution list. I have a feeling that our lists this week will all be quite similar, but here goes.

1. Read books I own and whittle down that incredibly huge "plan to read" pile.

2. Don't let said "plan to read" pile grow to more than 150 books. This pile is comprised of books waiting to be read that I currently own, and it's in the 130s now. This doesn't include my wish list, which has all the books I'm salivating to own. Really need to cool it on the book buying.

3. Read more classics. I would like to see more of that 1001 books list on the "have read" shelf.

4. Use the library. This will help me with the classics. I plan to get audiobooks from the library to get these classics read while still tackling my physical pile.

5. Post reviews on my blog for just about every book I finish this year.

6. I don't know if this is a resolution or not, maybe just a goal. I'd like to reach 100 followers this year.

7. Get an e-reader. I have been holding off for what seems like forever. I need to get on this bandwagon already.

ok, thats it. I can't think of any more. Oh well.
So how does your list compare?


B said...

Good luck! Also, you're now one follower closer to 100 :)

Gerbera Daisy Diaries said...

I have classics on my list too. I just downloaded a TON on my new NOOK, maybe that will inpire me.
Also, as a library employee I support you in #4!
Great goals...here are mine;

Anonymous said...

You're now one follower closer to 100 :)

Jen said...

Book buying is so addictive! I need to avoid bookstores and block B&N email from my inbox. Dangerous stuff! :)

Thanks for sharing your resolutions and best of luck!

Jen at The Broke and the Bookish

Anonymous said...

Seems like quite a few of us have reading classics on our list for this year!